03 March 2025

Submit By Learner

To submit by a specific learner:

  1. Select the Create Submission Files check box.

    Create Submission Files check box

  2. Select the By Learner option.

    By Learner option

    The By Learner option is not available if the Use ‘Accepted by DfES’ flag institution setting on the LLWR page is set to N. This functionality respects the Use ‘Accepted by DfES’ flag institution setting, which relies on the .accept files been imported. This will set a flag against all records that have been successfully accepted by DfES.

  3. In the Learner field, enter a person code, or click the Search button to display the Learner Search window, where you can select the required learner.

    The filters are recorded for learners in the ELWA_FILTERED_RESULTS table.